Tai Chi

Tai Chi
Tai Chi

Friday, November 14, 2014

Last Week - Reflection

These past 8 weeks have flown by way too fast. As I was reading some of my previous posts, I realized how much knowledge I’ve acquired about Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates. The path that got me here involved several different learning concepts and theories. When I began Bodyflow class, I really struggled with my breathing technique, which can make it a lot more difficult to hold poses. I learned that as my breathing got better, so did my stance and stamina in various poses in Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. This is what led me to the most valuable takeaway from this whole experience, and that’s knowledge transfer.

I learned a lot about different transfer in Bodyflow class.  I found knowledge transfer in breathing to be foundational for Bodyflow class because the breathing technique can vary for each pose or stretch. This really requires an individual to have enough knowledge about breathing and stretches and poses to know how to utilize the appropriate breathing technique.  I am getting a lot better at breathing, but 

I am still fine-tuning my breathing schema as I continue to learn more.
Transfer in Bodyflow class is particularly important within Tai Chi, Yoga and even Pilates because some of the smaller moves are incorporated in to larger movements. I have an easier time learning and memorizing larger movements because of my existing knowledge of the smaller moves being incorporated in to it.

In learning about breathing, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates, I was able to learn through a variety of learning processes that included a Zone of Proximal Development, working with an expert, and through social learning.

When I attended Pilates class, I was able to work with another girl in the class, my friend and the instructor where we could freely ask questions and learn amongst each other by creating a Zone of Proximal Development.

My Bodyflow instructor was such a great resource. She truly was an expert in Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. She gave me great advice in breathing and I felt that she efficiently “chunked” topics as she was teaching us new moves or breathing styles.

I watched the breathing techniques videos almost once a week to help fine-tune my breathing skills through social learning. These videos were great because I could pause or replay a section as needed, and they were available to me on-demand.  

And lastly, in my post from week 2, I wanted to be able to do the Flip the Dog Move.

See a video of me doing Flip the Dog below:


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